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"Discover, Map, Transform: GIS, Your Geospatial Gateway!"


Our expert team is dedicated to providing comprehensive and accurate data solutions for various industries. With a focus on Utility Mapping, Tree Surveys, and Asset Management, we help you unlock the potential of geospatial information for informed decision-making and efficient operations.


For Utility Mapping, we utilize cutting-edge equipment to map out electrical, storm, and sanitary sewer systems. Our precise data collection methods ensure that you have a detailed understanding of your utility infrastructure, enabling you to optimize maintenance, prevent downtime, and enhance overall performance.


When it comes to Tree Surveys, we pride ourselves on environmental consciousness. Our specialized team captures essential data about tree species, health, and distribution. This information empowers you to proactively manage and preserve your green spaces, fostering sustainable urban development and ecological balance.


With our Asset Management service, we cater to the needs of road networks, cities, and municipalities. By digitally cataloging assets and their attributes, we streamline asset tracking and maintenance operations. This leads to enhanced infrastructure planning, reduced costs, and improved service delivery for local communities.


At Orthotek, we understand that your data is valuable, and accuracy is paramount. That’s why we adhere to stringent quality assurance processes to ensure that the information we provide is reliable and up-to-date. Our expertise, combined with state-of-the-art technology, guarantees a seamless data collection experience tailored to your specific requirements.


Join hands with Orthotek, and let’s shape a smarter and more sustainable future together through comprehensive GIS Data Collecting services. Empower your organization with valuable insights and gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic world.

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